Research Storyteller Summit

The Faculty of Health Science Knowledge Mobilization Unit at Western invites you to a FREE Research Storyteller Summit
Wednesday, November 30 from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM

In-person, remote, or asynchronous access!

This is for you if you are:

  • preparing a funding proposal
  • writing a journal article for publication
  • discussing your study with a journalist
  • presenting at a conference
  • briefing policymakers


Free Training Opportunity: Inclusion in Non-Profits

Creating a more culturally diverse and inclusive workplace is a key challenge facing many non-profit leaders. Is it a priority for you? The Toronto Region Immigrant Employment Council (TRIEC) is hosting the last “Leading The Conversation: Inclusion in Non-Profits” training this coming September 2016.

In 2014, Ontario Non-profit Network (ONN) identified diversity as one of the top five challenges for non-profit leaders (Shaping the Future: Leadership in Ontario’s Non-profit Labour Force, Ontario Non-profit Network, The Mowat Centre, University of Toronto, September 2014). From sources of recruitment to hiring practices, onboarding and professional development – ONN concluded that when it comes to cultural diversity and inclusion, non-profit leaders need support in taking action to build inclusive workplaces. ONN partnered with TRIEC to develop a pilot training that later became a program offered to non-profit leaders in Ontario.

Join this free training program to access practical training, solutions-based learning, tools and resources to increase diversity and inclusion at your organization. The curriculum includes two in-person workshops and two live webinars, and eLearning over a four- month period with a focus on cultural diversity in the workplace. Through the live sessions, you will have the opportunity to collaborate and connect with other non-profits working on the same challenges.

The last training cohort will be held in September in London, ON, at Goodwill Industries, Ontario Great Lakes.

Click here for more information. Apply by Friday, August 12, 2016.



Meet CRHESI: Nadine Wathen

Nadine Wathen PhD ( is Associate Professor & Faculty Scholar at Western Univeristy, a Research Scholar at Western’s Centre for Research and Education on Violence Against Women and Children, and a Member of the College of the Royal Society of Canada. Her research examines the health and social service sector response to violence against women and children, interventions to reduce health inequities, and the science of knowledge translation, with a focus on enhancing the use of research in policy and practice. Nadine co-leads a number of research initiatives, including: the PreVAiL Research Network, VEGA: A Public Health Response to Family Violence, EQUIP: Research to Equip Primary Health Care for Equity and the Domestic Violence @ Work Network.