Each City Symposium event is situated around one of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals. On September 14, the series explores the local relevance and implications of Goal #1: End poverty in all its forms everywhere.
Monday, September 14, 2020
6:40 PM – Pre-Symposium Mini-Concert
7:00 PM – Speakers and Presentations
Learn more about the City Symposium format and series.
Free registration for the event is now open at citysymposium.com/no-poverty/
Speakers include Dr. Abe Oudshoorn (Western’s School of Nursing), Susan Macphail (former director of CMHA’s My Sister’s Place), Amy Rathan (founder of ImpactLondon), Jonathan Rivard (Manager with the City of London’s Homeless Prevention department), and Malvin Wright (community developer). Hosted by Dr. Melanie-Anne Atkins (Western’s Centre for Teaching and Learning).