Mobilizing Narratives research project enters second year

Mobilizing Narratives for Policy and Social Change, a Partnership Development Grant by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) led by Dr. Marlene Janzen Le Ber and Dr. Helene Berman, has kicked off its second year. A recent project workshop featured discussion around early-stage data analysis, initial findings from the critical interpretive synthesis of existing literature, and continued dialogue led by the project’s indigenous partners on cultural and historical dynamics of narrative use.

The project seeks to understand current and potential impacts of narrative methodologies, and create new, meaningful ways to evaluate these impacts, with particular attention to system-level change. Keep an eye on this newsletter for continued updates as the project unfolds.

Save the Date: Power & Global Health (November 14, 3pm-6pm)

Hosted by a planning committee composed of researchers and Faculty members in the area of global health, this is an exciting opportunity to explore what Western is doing in the areas of Global Health and Marginalized Populations. If you are interested in submitting a poster, please contact Jason Were at for details. Event will be held in the Atrium inside the International & Graduate Affairs Building.

Health Equity in Context: Local Solutions for Global Problems

Dr. Helene Berman and Dr. Nadine Wathen will be leading an interdisciplinary team of researchers on a new initiative: Health Equity in Context: Local Solutions for Global Problems.

Health Equity in Context is an Interdisciplinary Development Initiative, which is an internal Western University seed funding program that initiates research endeavours that involve the participation and collaboration of individuals across disciplinary boundaries.

This exciting new project, catalyzed by CRHESI, will be conducted in collaboration with the University of Rwanda and Rwanda’s University of Global Health Equity.

Abstract for Health Equity in Context

Rising inequity has been identified as perhaps the most pressing challenge facing humanity. It is a “wicked” social, political and economic problem impacting individuals, communities, nation-states and broader societies. No region or country is immune, and solutions must be sought collaboratively, from a diversity of perspectives, geographies and social locations. Disparities in health status are an immediate manifestation of rising inequity, and the site for the present proposal, which is a direct response to a convergence of inter-related challenges and opportunities arising in London, Canada, and in Kigali, Rwanda. Catalyzed by the Centre for Research on Health Equity & Social Inclusion (CRHESI), the proposed interdisciplinary development initiative (IDI) will launch new activities for CRHESI’s community and academic members, in partnership with the University of Rwanda and Rwanda’s University of Global Health Equity, to: 1) develop cross-national education and research opportunities specific to local and global health equity, and pre- and post-migration trauma and health; and 2) global/local knowledge mobilization pathways to ensure that best practices in addressing health inequities are shared bilaterally. This proposal’s strength is its people and the formative work we’ve done building partnerships. Projects will be led by teams of Canadian and Rwandan faculty, community and organizational leaders, and students. To enable community-engaged learning, we will create a CRHESI Student Fellowship Program, providing a range of opportunities for Western and Rwandan students to work with organizations to gain valuable experience and provide their time and skills in places where this kind of help is needed. Students will also have the opportunity to participate in student-led sessions linked to conferences and a Summer Institute. These educational endeavours will be supported through partnerships with Western International, the two Rwandan Universities, and enhanced graduate and undergraduate offerings at Western, which specifically focus on health equity.

You are invited… CRHESI Community Update & Reception 2018

Please mark your calendars and RSVP…

CRHESI Community Update & Reception

November 8, 2018 @ 4:00-5:00 PM (Innovation Works, ‘The Commons’ Main Floor)

RSVP here:

Join us for an invigorating evening of fast-paced ‘lightning talks’ as researchers and practitioners in London share their work and knowledge.

The CRHESI Community Update & Reception is an annual knowledge sharing forum for learning about initiatives and research projects focused on equity and inclusion. A brief overview and podcast of last year’s event is also available.