Conference: Promoting Healthy Relationships for Youth

February 15-17, 2017, London ON, Convention Centre

This conference will bring together researchers, policy makers and practitioners working with children and adolescents to prevent and address relationship violence and mental health challenges. These fields of practice have evolved through different disciplines and services systems and often exist in separate silos. The purpose of this conference is to break down the silos through a recognition that there are overlapping issues with common health promotion, prevention, early identification and intervention strategies. The essential breakthrough in this field is happening in school-based programs and integrated curriculum that fosters partnerships with parents, students and community professionals.

See full conference website. Please contact Barb Potter at for more information.

Join us tonight at the CAEH Networking Reception

The Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness annual conference is occurring in London right now (Wednesday through Friday). As part of the conference we are facilitating a networking reception for faculty, students, and post-docs on Wednesday evening.

With CRHESI as a sponsor for this event, we would like to extend an invitation to any of our members who are interested in the area of homelessness to attend, even if you are not attending the conference.

The reception is tonight, Wednesday, November 2, at 6:30pm-8:30pm, at the beautifully renovated historic London Round House. Free finger foods provided by Blackfriars Cafe. There will also be a cash bar. This is an opportunity to network with other academics and partners, including students, doing work across Canada in this sector.

We look forward to having you join us, and would appreciate an RSVP to as soon as possible.

Networking Reception at CAEH Conference

The Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness annual conference is occurring in London this November 2-4. As part of the conference we are facilitating a networking reception for faculty, students, and post-docs.

With CRHESI as a sponsor for this event, we would like to extend an invitation to any of our members who are interested in the area of homelessness to attend, even if you are not attending the conference.

The reception is Wednesday, November 2, at 6:30pm-8:30pm, at the beautifully renovated historic London Round House. Free finger foods provided by Blackfriars Cafe. There will also be a cash bar. This is an opportunity to network with other academics and partners, including students, doing work across Canada in this sector.

We look forward to having you join us, and would appreciate an RSVP to to assist us with our planning.

Making Connections in CRHESI

The Centre for Research on Health Equity and Social Inclusion (CRHESI) is driven by connections with our membership and the community. As such, we are dedicated to meaningful engagement within and across these networks. We believe that the best way to support an environment that is conducive to innovative and influential research is to help facilitate connections that matter.

We want to sit down with you to learn about the specifics of you work and to understand your areas of interest. Meeting with you and other researchers and community partners enables us to find correlations, parallels and complementary overlaps between your work and that of other members.

Here’s a little video to describe our strategy for helping new CRHESI members make meaningful connections within the network:


Meet CRHESI: Abe Oudshoorn

Abe Oudshoorn is Assistant Professor in the Arthur Labatt Family School of Nursing at Western University, the Department of Psychiatry Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, and Associate Scientist with Lawson Health Research Institute. Having worked as a nurse with people experiencing homelessness, Abe’s research focuses on health, homelessness, housing policy, and poverty. Outside of the University, Abe has the privilege of chairing the London Homeless Coalition, is a board member with the United Way of London & Middlesex, and sits on the Mayor’s Advisory Panel on Poverty.