Today, at noon with the musical backdrop of London’s Frank Ridsdale and Edgar and Joe’s pop-up commUNITY Kitchen, Pillar’s Board announced new “Decent Work” measures at Pillar. Pillar Nonprofit Network is a long-standing organization that strengthens community impact in London and area. One of its many innovative programs is Innovation Works, a coworking space and collaboration hub located downtown, where CRHESI’s staff are located.
CRHESI wishes to congratulate Mojdeh Cox on her promotion to CEO of Pillar after one year in her position as ED.
The board states they are taking radical accountability, looking at HR practices and taking action. The promotion of Mojdeh demonstrates the committment to elevate women in leadership, in the largely female impact sector, and particularly, racialized women.
As well, Pillar directors will now be VPs and new pay principles are implemented:
*Wage level transparency on all postings and for all positions.
*1:3 salary ratio threshold, from bottom to top earner.
*All cooperative learning and students will be paid.
*Pillar is a Living Wage employer for all staff.
“The future of work is flexible and it is decent” Mojdeh Cox