Public policy advocacy: Evidence-based competencies for educating health care and social service providers

On April 30, 2019, Amy Lewis delivered a poster presentation at Lawson Health Research Day, providing an update concerning on-going research examining how the health sector advocates for public policy change.

Although health care and social service providers have intimate knowledge of the structural forces that impact health, it is usually political forces outside of the health sector that exert the most significant influence over health care and health outcomes. One way that providers can address systemic barriers impeding health outcomes influence is by engaging in public policy advocacy.

View full poster PDF

This study is currently in the early stage of implementation and is being undertaken as part of the SSHRC-funded Mobilizing Narratives for Policy and Social Change Partnership Development Grant.

For more information about the project, email Amy Lewis at

Lewis, A., Oudshoorn, A., & Berman, H. (2019, April). Public policy advocacy: Evidence-based competencies for educating health care and social service providers. Poster session presented at Lawson Health Research Day 2019, London, Ontario.

Research Associate Position

CRHESI member Dr. Javeed Sukhera is looking for a Research Associate. This is a part-time position averaging 20 hours per week for a 2-year term. We are specifically looking for someone with expertise in qualitative approaches (constructivist grounded theory, ethnography, critical theory, etc.,).

The primary activities for this position are to support a research study that explores the process of care for people who inject drugs (PWID) in acute care settings. This includes coordinating a research study using constructivist grounded theory, coordinating a community advisory council, and supporting knowledge translation/dissemination. Specific activities would include but may not be limited to: recruitment of research participants, maintaining research files including informed consent documentation, collecting research data from observations, interviews, and focus groups, and providing support for data analysis, literature searches and manuscript writing.

The Research Associate will be a critical facilitator of the research program of the Department of Psychiatry and Dr. Sukhera’s Program of research. There is also a direct relationship with the Centre for Education Research and Innovation (CERI) at Western. This research program addresses key areas of teaching and learning in clinical settings, with a specific focus on implicit bias, stigma, and equity.

To apply, please use the UWO careers website and look for posting #16704. For more information, please contact Dr. Sukhera directly at

CRHESI has a book club

We are coordinating a monthly opportunity to discuss a book or article, enjoy a beverage with one another, and invest in our collective critical thinking capacity.

We will meet on the third Friday of the month at 3:00 PM at Chaucer’s Pub (122 Carling Street, London, Ontario). This group is open to everyone in the community.

Our next meeting is Friday, May 17, at 3:00 PM. Our discussion theme will be the theory of ‘bullshit jobs’ as described by John Graeber in his popular essay and book on the subject.

Join us! If you are interested in participating, please sign up to the group for additional updates and reminders about meeting dates, discussion themes, book titles, etc.

Learn more about the discussion group.