Free Training Opportunity: Inclusion in Non-Profits

Creating a more culturally diverse and inclusive workplace is a key challenge facing many non-profit leaders. Is it a priority for you? The Toronto Region Immigrant Employment Council (TRIEC) is hosting the last “Leading The Conversation: Inclusion in Non-Profits” training this coming September 2016.

In 2014, Ontario Non-profit Network (ONN) identified diversity as one of the top five challenges for non-profit leaders (Shaping the Future: Leadership in Ontario’s Non-profit Labour Force, Ontario Non-profit Network, The Mowat Centre, University of Toronto, September 2014). From sources of recruitment to hiring practices, onboarding and professional development – ONN concluded that when it comes to cultural diversity and inclusion, non-profit leaders need support in taking action to build inclusive workplaces. ONN partnered with TRIEC to develop a pilot training that later became a program offered to non-profit leaders in Ontario.

Join this free training program to access practical training, solutions-based learning, tools and resources to increase diversity and inclusion at your organization. The curriculum includes two in-person workshops and two live webinars, and eLearning over a four- month period with a focus on cultural diversity in the workplace. Through the live sessions, you will have the opportunity to collaborate and connect with other non-profits working on the same challenges.

The last training cohort will be held in September in London, ON, at Goodwill Industries, Ontario Great Lakes.

Click here for more information. Apply by Friday, August 12, 2016.



Cultural Humility

CRHESI co-coordinator James Shelley blogs about the concept of ‘cultural humility’… and the perspective it sheds on the idea of ‘cultural competency’:

Applied to healthcare in a cross-cultural context, we might imagine that a true master of cultural competency would be the last person to think of themselves as a ‘master’ at all. In fact, such a person might be hesitant to even self-describe themselves with the word ‘competent’. ‘Competency’ suggests a certain level of achievement, but an appreciation for the subtleties and prevalence of culture leaves one ever-questioning their ideas about what ‘the other’ person — the patient, for instance — truly needs, wants, and believes.

Read the full blog post here.

Event Calendar

Upcoming learning opportunities related to health equity and social inclusion:

Community Mental Health Experts Panel (September 29, 12-1:30pm)
“Join us as our community’s experts in mental health service delivery provide valuable information about the array of services, resources, expertise and referrals we and our clients can access.”

Inaugural Forum on Population Health Equity (October 18-19, 2016; Boston, MA)
“The 2016 Forum on Population Health Equity will focus on innovative, community-based, public health practice.”

Learning Challenges Symposium (October 19, 2016)
“This symposium has been organized for front-line staff to help raise awareness of learning disabilities and other disorders that can contribute to learning challenges… Topics covered include Learning Disabilities, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Mental Illness (Anxiety, Depression, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, etc.)”

Health Equity in Action Professional Learning Event (October 18-19, 2016; Toronto, ON)
“Sharing Leading Practices; Business Intelligence Reporting Tool For Quality Improvement; Population Needs-Based Planning; Health Equity Charter; Health Equity Impact Assessment Tool and more”

National Conference on Ending Homelessness (November 2-4, 2016; London, ON)
“The National Conference on Ending Homelessness arms policy makers, funders, researchers, advocates, community leaders and front line workers with the inspiration, information, tools and training they need to end homelessness.”

OPHA Fall Forum: Health For All – Closing the Health Equity Divide (November 8, 2016; Toronto, ON)
“Vibrant health should be achievable by all. Yet, this is not true for far too many Ontarians who may be unfairly and unjustly disadvantaged due to their income, education, race, or other markers of social status. At this year’s Forum, you will join leaders and professionals from across the health system to explore how together we can effectively address these health inequities and pursue a vision of health for all Ontarians.”

Long Range (Looking to 2017)

Canadian Conference on Promoting Healthy Relationships for Youth (February 15-17, 2017; London, ON)
“A conference for policy makers, youth advocates, educators, mental health, youth justice and social service professionals involved in the prevention of relationship violence and promotion of youth well-being in families, schools and communities.”

Organizing Equality (March 24-26, 2017; London, ON)
“Organizing Equality is a major international conference hosted by members of the Faculty of Information & Media Studies at Western University, and will take place at Museum London between the 24th and 26th of March 2017.”

Global Implementation Conference (June 20-21, 2017; Toronto, ON)
“The GIC is the leading international implementation conference in the world and aims to promote implementation science, practice, and policy and their active application in human services in order to contribute to demonstrable and socially significant benefits to individuals and society.”

Gender Summit (Nov 6-8, 2017; Montreal, QC)
“Close to 600 advocates of gender equality policy from science, innovation and development fields will participate in the Gender Summit North America 2017, to be held in Montréal, Canada.”

Are we missing something from this list? Let us know!

Understanding and Responding to Family Violence in the Context of Migration

This past June 29 saw 70-plus attendees convene at Western’s Faculty of Education for a community of practice conversation on family violence in the context of migration. Organized by CRHESI, the Muslim Resource Centre for Social Support and Integration (MRCSSI) and the Centre for Research and Education on Violence against Women and Children, the event brought multiple disciplines and research/practice perspectives together for a full day. The program included individual and panel presentations, including:

  • Gender-based violence in European and Migrant Contexts, by Dr. Lydia Potts, Oldenburg University, Germany.
  • Differential Responses to Family Violence in a Context of Pre- and Post-Migration Stressors, Dr. Mohammed Baobaid, MRCSSI, London ON.
  • Supporting Refugee and Immigrant Families through the Stress of Transition, by Dr. Lloy Wylie, Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry.

Our attendees provided thoughtful feedback at the end of the event. One of them said: “As a Ministry representative, this event helped me shape internal thinking and conversation on how to support this work.” Another attendee said: “This was a wonderful opportunity to hear from different perspectives.” And: “The time given and content shared permitted reflection of current practice and how to change in the future.”

We will share slideshows and a video synopsis of the symposium over the coming weeks.