Abe Oudshoorn Named Western’s 2016 Humanitarian of the Year

Abe Oudshoorn, member of the CRHESI Steering Committee, has been announced as the recipient of the 2016 Western Humanitarian Award.

Abe Oudshoorn is Assistant Professor in the Arthur Labatt Family School of Nursing at Western University, the Department of Psychiatry Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, and Associate Scientist with Lawson Health Research Institute. Having worked as a nurse with people experiencing homelessness, Abe’s research focuses on health, homelessness, housing policy, and poverty. Outside of the University, Abe has the privilege of chairing the London Homeless Coalition, is a board member with the United Way of London & Middlesex, and sat on the Mayor’s Advisory Panel on Poverty.

Peggy Sattler, MPP for London West, stood to acknowledge Abe’s achievement in Provincial Parliament.

On behalf of all of us at CRHESI, a big congratulations to Abe for all your hard work and dedication to our community.

Meet CRHESI: Marlene Janzen Le Ber

Marlene Janzen Le Ber is Assistant Professor, Leadership at Brescia University College and Adjunct Research Professor at the Ian O. Ihnatowycz Institute for Leadership at Western University. Her PhD in Business Administration – Strategy followed a MScN, a career in mental health and public health nursing, and over 20 years in hospital and health research administration.

Marlene’s research focuses on the complex processes of leadership in social innovation at both the micro/individual level and at the more macro/organizational/systems level. The two ongoing projects at the individual level are: “Women’s Leader Identity Development” and “Organizational Culture and Leadership: Exploring the Practice of Leadership in a Women’s Circle.” Two additional projects, “From Intractable to Tractable: Transdisciplinary Processes of Innovation” and “Develop and Test Indicators of Ontario Local Public Health Agency Work to Address the Social Determinants of Health to Reduce Health Inequities” are at the organizational/systems level, with a focus on how social systems change. More specifically, Marlene focuses on the processes of social innovation that address issues of social (in)justice and equality for vulnerable, disenfranchised and marginalized populations.

Helene Berman named to Canadian Academy of Health Sciences

September 19, 2016. Congratulations to Helene Berman, PhD, Professor in the Arthur Labatt Family School of Nursing, on her induction as a fellow of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences (CAHS). The academy recognizes those who have a history of outstanding performance in the academic health sciences in Canada.

Professor Berman is also the Associate Dean (Research) in the Faculty of Health Sciences and CRHESI co-director.

An internationally recognized scholar, she conducts community-based research focused on the subtle and explicit forms of violence experienced by women and children, social and structural inequalities, and health. She is Past President of the Nursing Network on Violence against Women International and lead editor of the ground-breaking report, In the Best Interests of the Girl Child, that has informed the development of numerous programs and policies in Canada. Her research has been funded by the Canadian Institutes for Health Research, the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, and Status of Women Canada. Her current research incorporates arts-based approaches in a Youth-Centered Participatory Action Research methodology to examine structural violence in the lives of young people in Canada. Dr. Berman was a leading force in the establishment of the Centre for Research on Health Equity and Social Inclusion and serves as its founding Academic Director.

A dinner honouring the 2016 inductees was held in Montreal on September 15.

About the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences

The objective of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences is to provide assessments of and advice on key issues relevant to the health of Canadians. In order to achieve this role it will:

  • Serve as a credible, expert and independent assessor of science and technology (S&T) issues relevant to the health of Canadians;
  • Support the development of timely, informed and strategic advice on urgent health issues;
  • Support the development of sound and informed public policy related to these issues;
  • Enhance understanding of S&T issues affecting the public good by transmitting the results of assessments and providing opportunities for public discussion of these matters;
  • Provide a collective authoritative multi-disciplinary voice of health sciences communities;
  • Represent Canadian health sciences internationally and liaise with like international academies to enhance understanding and potential collaborations on matters of mutual interest.

For more information, visit: www.cahs-acss.ca

Graduate Students: Join CRHESI’s first grad student networking event

Are you a graduate student with an interest in health equity and social inclusion?

At CRHESI, students of all disciplines can find opportunities to learn from and collaborate on various stages of funding-application, research and knowledge translation projects. Join us for our first graduate student networking event:

We will tour current CRHESI initiatives and potential opportunities for research within university-community collaborations. You will also have an opportunity to meet some of our researchers and learn more about being a member. Refreshments will be served.

Friday Sept. 23 at 5 pm.

Innovation Works, 2nd Floor, 201 King Street

RSVP info@crhesi.ca | Spaces are limited

Research focus on refugee housing: Co-investigator Needed

Housing stability is an important contributor to health and wellbeing for all. However, establishing safe, secure, and affordable housing has proven to be more difficult for particular populations, including refugees to Canada (Murdie, 2008).

London’s Community Health Collaborative, lead by LHSC’s Dr. Matthew Meyer, is advancing a study to evaluate the impact of tenant and landlord education on health, housing stability, and social inclusion for Syrian refugees in an urban area in Canada.

Using a quasi-experimental design and mixed-methods, this study will assess the collective impact of three landlord and tenant education initiatives on the self-rated health, housing stability, and social inclusion of government-assisted Syrian refugees settled in the city of London.

If you are researcher with an interest in housing issues, as well as health equity/social inclusion, please contact Matthew.Meyer@lhsc.on.ca for more information, or email us at info@crhesi.ca.