WCH Women’s Xchange 15K Challenge

Women’s Xchange is offering $15,000 or more in one-time one year (non-renewable) grants to support research projects that address women’s health issues at the local level:

The $15K Challenge will award $15,000 to individuals in organizations working to advance the health of women and girls. Funding is available for one year, and organizations must be based in Ontario. From help on framing a research question to aid in communicating the results of your project to others, Women’s Xchange wants to support you. Women’s Xchange can help transform your ideas into research that will make an impact in the communities you serve. For more information on eligibility criteria and how to apply, please visit our website http://womensxchange.ca/15k/ or e-mail info@womensxchange.ca

A Notice of Intent is needed to apply for funding, and must be submitted by January 16, 2017 at 5:00 p.m. Application packages for the $15K Challenge are due February 13, 2017 at 5:00 p.m.

London for All: First 12 Months Recommendations

At the November 15, 2016 meeting of London’s Community and Protective Services Committee, the following staff report was received: London for All: First 12 Month Recommendations:

The purpose of this report is to: Highlight the progress being made towards the year one recommendations outlined in London for All thus far; and, Provide an update on the next steps to develop an implementation body that will coordinate the implementation of the recommendations in London for All: A Roadmap to End Poverty.

The full report is available here.

Community Debates Political Correctness

Has political correctness gone too far? That was the question for debate before a packed house at the Wolf Performance Hall on Monday, October 17, 2016. The concept and language of ‘political correctness’ have interesting ramifications, especially when examined from a lens of social inclusion. This event served as a unique opportunity to ‘take the pulse’ of the community on the issue. Watch the video of the debate and read a follow-up reflection by CRHESI co-coordinator James Shelley, which further explores ‘political correctness’ as a subject of public discourse.

Conference: Promoting Healthy Relationships for Youth

February 15-17, 2017, London ON, Convention Centre

This conference will bring together researchers, policy makers and practitioners working with children and adolescents to prevent and address relationship violence and mental health challenges. These fields of practice have evolved through different disciplines and services systems and often exist in separate silos. The purpose of this conference is to break down the silos through a recognition that there are overlapping issues with common health promotion, prevention, early identification and intervention strategies. The essential breakthrough in this field is happening in school-based programs and integrated curriculum that fosters partnerships with parents, students and community professionals.

See full conference website. Please contact Barb Potter at bpotter7@uwo.ca for more information.