Overview and Reception 2017

Thursday, November 2, 2017, 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Innovation Works London, 201 King Street

A special update and overview on the activities of the Centre for Research on Health Equity and Social Inclusion.

Join us for an enliving, fast-paced session of updates and an informal meet-and-greet reception.

• Learn about current and upcoming projects and research initiatives
• Network with researchers, academics, and community leaders in the CRHESI network
• Share your expertise and knowledge as a community member, student, faculty, or citizen interested in equity and inclusion in London

This is a stakeholder, leadership, and community event that provides a broad overview of CRHESI activities and projects — strengthening the network and building capacity.

Community members, students, faculty, and everyone interested in equity and inclusion in London are welcome to attend.

Admission is free. RSVP is required: crhesi-overview2017.eventbrite.ca

Not to be missed: Fifth Annual Journeys of Migration

The Western Centre for Research on Migration and Ethnic Relations, Collège Boréal, the London & Middlesex Local Immigration Partnership, the London Cross Cultural Learner Centre, the South London Neighbourhood Resource Centre, and Pillar Nonprofit Network are pleased to present 2017’s Journeys of Migration.

Thursday, November 9, 2017 at 3:00 PM
Admission is free, but registration is required. Click here to register.

This year’s event will feature a theatrical production, We Are Not the Others. This play was created by Dr. Mirna Carranza from the McMaster School of Social Work, and Izad Etemadi, an award-winning Toronto-based actor and playwright. It is based on the findings of a two-year research project examining immigrant women’s experiences, and was first presented at the Hamilton Fringe Festival in July 2017.

This production humanizes the stories we read and hear about in the media, and brings us into the world of immigrant women. Using music, poetry and the real words of these women, We Are Not the Others brings you the struggles, pain, resiliency and hopes of immigrants everywhere.
Following the production, Mirna Carranza and Izad Etemadi, as well as the actresses, will be available to answer questions about the research on which the play was based, the development of the production, and the experience of producing it.

Date: Thursday, November 9, 2017
Time: 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM (Refreshments at 2:30 PM and a reception at 5:00 PM)
Location: UCC McKellar (Rm 290), Western University
Tickets: Register here.

A Trauma- and Violence-Informed Community

CRHESI and community members are invited to come and participate in a collaborative symposium about trauma- and violence-informed care in our community. The purpose of this discussion is to review activities currently in progress and explore potential for collaboration moving forward.

The discussion will be held on Wednesday, November 15, 2017 – 2-4pm at Innovation Works.

Space is limited. Please RSVP at your earliest convenience. This is an open community forum: please invite relevant colleagues and associates within your network.

Co-hosted by Centre for Research on Health Equity and Social Inclusion (CRHESI) and the Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women & Children (CREVAWC).

Funding and grant development: the chicken or the egg?

You are invited to informal ‘pub night’ to brainstorm and discuss a basic and common ‘chicken or egg’ problem in funding:

The story often goes like this…

1. An issue is identified that appears to justify further inquiry
2. A source of potential funding is identified that appears to align with the research proposal
3. Where does the time and energy come from to write a grant if key individuals or potential partners are a) already swamped with important existing work, or b) unable to invest/risk unpaid hours in grant development without compensation?

To put the conundrum another way: are there any creative approaches we can employ to navigate, circumvent, or collaborate around the significant ‘opportunity cost’ of applying for funding? The perennial dilemma here is that grant development consumes and expends precious institutional resources without guaranteeing any return on the investment.

This is an informal conversation, to which academics, grant writers, funders, researchers, consultants, and program evaluators of all sorts are invited. We don’t assume we are going to ‘solve’ this question, but we think there is benefit in gathering as a group to swap perspectives.

Wed, 1 November 2017
7:30 PM – 9:30 PM EDT
Chaucer’s Pub (122 Carling Street)

RSVP at funding-and-grant-development.eventbrite.ca

Stretch your systems thinking muscles

The Pillar Nonprofit Network is hosting a Systems Thinking Exchange, with five sessions scheduled in 2017-2018: “A community of practice, and a place for the community to pool our understanding of systems thinking in a peer-learning environment. We will provide the speaker and general topic and you are asked to come to the table with a willingness to share, learn and be more curious.”

Sep 28, 2017 – Systems Fundamentals (Michael Ayres)
Nov 30, 2017 – Systems Doing (Heenal Rajani, with Michael Clarke)
Feb 15, 2018 – Relationship Systems Intelligence (Janet Frood)
Apr 26, 2018 – Systems Thinking in Practice (Andre Vashist)
Jun 28, 2018 – Seeing the System’s Potential (Chris Moss)

(Please register for the dates that you are able to participate.)