NEST: Speaker Series Fri Jan 27, 2 pm

NEST (Network for Economic and Socail Treands) presents: Why Cities Need a Public Life: A Revisionist Return to the Essence of the ‘Casual’ in Thinking about Social Capital

This talk explores how people get things done in urban settings. It returns to the old debate on social capital. Does it still make sense to think of social capital as embedded in social networks in an era of increased mobility, digitalization and the expansion of social networks across space? Does social capital theory as the central approach to how people access resources to get by and get ahead pay sufficient attention to the casual fluid encounters which also happen in urban life, especially in public space?

Drawing on some core ideas in her book Community as Urban Practice, Talja Blokland explores these questions, arguing that urban public life – settings where people rub shoulders on their way to do something else – remains essential. Beyond the closure of preference-based algorithms and life-style bubbles, such ‘absent ties’ can provide access to resources, especially when they provide what she calls ‘public familiarity’.

Professor Talja Blokland (PhD Amsterdam) is professor of urban sociology at Humboldt University in Berlin, Germany.

The follwing link has more information about the event

NCCDH: Stories of Health Equity Initiatives from across Canada

Equity in Action

National Collaborating Centre for Determinants of Health (NCCDH)

The Equity in Action project aims to lift community voices as a form of evidence by sharing stories of successful equity-driven initiatives from across Canada. This repository of positive narratives can facilitate learning and connection among Public Health Practitioners in Canada and guide equity-based planning through pandemic recovery and beyond.  

Read the stories here.

L’équité en action

Centre de collaboration nationale des déterminants de la santé (CCNDS)

Le projet « L’équité en action » vise à faire entendre la voix des communautés en faisant connaître des interventions menées d’un bout à l’autre du Canada pour l’équité. Le présent répertoire de récits positifs pourrait faciliter l’apprentissage et les liens entre les professionnels de la santé publique au Canada en plus d’éclairer un processus de planification fondé sur l’équité pour le rétablissement de la pandémie et par la suite.  

Cliquez ici pour en savoir plus 

Conference: Leveraging Data to Advance Innovation

The GC Data Community is a Canadian federal government network of data practitioners. The upcoming 2023 GD Data Conference is open to the general public.
“Leveraging Data to Advance Innovation” conference will explore key topics related to using data to expand innovative methods, integrating social and ethical practices, and enabling collective change. The event offers opportunities to exchange knowledge, engage in discussions and expand awareness of the opportunities and challenges around the use of data across the Government of Canada.
This may be of interest to you if you want to know more about innovations related to the collection and usage of data and its overlap with issues related to health equity and social inclusion.

The following link has more detail and registration information

OCASI IS PLEASED TO INVITE YOU TO: Mental Health Promotion Knowledge Exchange

 DATE: FEBRUARY 8th 10:00 AM – 4:30 PM EST

This one-day virtual event will be an opportunity to share lessons learned from implementing the OCASI Mental Health Promotion Integrated Service Model and to collaborate with key stakeholders across primary care, mental health, and the settlement sectors on how to build a trauma and violence-informed workplace that prioritizes client and staff mental health.

1. Learn about experiences, challenges, and successes in implementing the OCASI Mental Health Promotion Integrated Service Mode

2. Share knowledge and learn strategies on how to implement trauma and violence informed approaches at work

3. Engage in discussions, brainstorm, and plan for the future of mental health promotion in the immigrant and refugee serving sector

4. Enhance cross-sectoral collaboration between settlement, primary care, and mental health sectors

To Register: Click here

If you have any questions or for more information, please contact 
Caley Cross at