Call for Presentations: April 22 Lightning Talks

The next CRHESI Lightning Talks session is on April 22, 2020, 3 PM – 4:30 PM at Innovation Works (Registration is open)

Lightning Talks are 5-minute updates — stories about research projects and community initiatives working at the intersections of health equity and social inclusion.

If you are involved in an organization, project, or study addressing issues related to health equity and social inclusion, please let us know if you are interested in presenting at the April 22 Lightning Talks event (

Do You See What I See? (An Online Photovoice Exhibit)

Dr. Bharati Sethi is an Associate Professor at Kings College, School of Social Work, and a member of CRHESI. She uses community-based participatory research and arts-based methods to highlight social determinants of health in immigrant and refugees’ lives and capture its relevance to social justice.

CRHESI has adapted Dr. Sethi’s doctoral photovoice research, Intersectional Exposures: Exploring the Health Effect of Employment with KAAJAL Immigrant/Refugee Women in Grand Erie through Photovoice, into an online photovoice gallery.

This on-line photo exhibit portrays the photographs that the participants took to depict their post-migration barriers in relation to work and health.

City Symposium on Gender Equality

In collaboration with a great team of community and university partners, CRHESI is proud to invite you to the City Symposium on Gender Equality.

Tuesday, March 31, 2020
6:40 PM pre-event concert, 7:00 PM speakers
Grand Theatre, Spriet Stage (471 Richmond St)
Free. All welcome.

At this symposium we will explore questions about gender equality in our community. What is being done to address inequity? What can we do to ensure everyone has equitable access to the same opportunities?

Presenters include Vanessa Ambtman Smith, Dr. Melanie Atkinson, Dr. Helene Berman, Julie B, Councillor Maureen Cassidy, Jodi Hall, Jenna Rose Sands, and Taylor Holden. Read the presenter bios here.



Making Connections!

The Community Research Incubator is coming up again this Monday (January 27, 2020, 3:00-4:30 PM, at the Fox and Fiddle). (More background here.)

Please look at the initial table discussion topics (below) and register to join us if you have interest or knowledge to share in these areas.

The landscape, challenges, and opportunities of affordable housing in London.

Discussion hosts:

Stephen Giustizia (
Chief Executive Officer, Housing Development Corporation

Abe Oudshoorn (
Assistant Professor, Arthur Labatt Family School of Nursing, Western University

How do organizations define and conceptualize ‘health equity’ and how do they feel it ought to be pursued? What guidelines are organizations in London using as benchmarks for equity and diversity best practices?

Discussion host:

Tanaz Javan (
PhD candidate, Faculty of Information and Media Studies, Western University

Understanding the impact of affordable counselling services for residents living in the Argyle neighbourhood.

Discussion hosts:

Alida van Dijk (
Executive Director, Community Counselling Centre of London

Patricia Berendsen (
Clinical Director, Community Counselling Centre of London

Stephanie Woo (
Therapist, Community Counselling Centre of London

Volunteer activities which can build work-place/professional skills to aid in getting work after age 55 years of age.

Discussion host:

Linda Simpson
Member, Age Friendly London Network

ATN’s Live Grow Connect program (soft skills development for persons with disabilities, including developmental disabilities and those on the autism spectrum) seeks input and feedback.

Discussion host:

Vito Mendonca (
Manager of Community Partnerships, ATN Access for Persons with Disabilities Inc.

We look forward to seeing you on Monday.