The Gray Centre for Mobility and Activity:  Mobility Think Tank

The Gray Centre for Mobility and Activity is a clinical research program based out of Parkwood Institute of St. Joseph’s Health Care London.  One of the Gray Centre for Mobility and Activity’s main priorities is to bring clinicians and academics together to collectively address the grand challenges that face individuals with mobility and activity dysfunction.

On December 6th from 10:00 am-12:00 pm we will be holding a Mobility Think Tank at Parkwood Institute. Gray Centre for Mobility and Activity invites you to attend this meeting where we will:

  1. Identify where our collective expertise lies in mobility and activity research
  2. Identify what resources, skills, and infrastructure we have, and what we would need in order to enhance our mobility and activity clinical research capacity  
  3. Identify what are the big challenges in mobility and activity care that have opportunities for clinical research
  4. Identify large funding opportunities that would drive our success

If you are interested in attending this meeting, please RSVP by November 30th by completing the form within the link below.   If you are interested but unable to attend, we will provide a survey to capture your views on each of the above points.

We are looking to reach as many members of the mobility and activity research community as possible so please forward this invite along to colleagues we may have missed.

Light refreshments and coffee will be provided. 

If you have any questions, please reach out to Jeff Weiler –