Local Poverty Reduction Fund Workshop

To optimize chances of success, the Middlesex-London Health Unit, the Centre for Research on Health Equity and Inclusion, and Pillar NonProfit Network have organized a collaborative capacity-building workshop. Its aim is to share insights, coordinate for joint applications, and strategically address priorities as articulated in the Ontario Poverty Reduction Strategy and the London Mayor’s Advisory Panel on Poverty Report, London For All: A Roadmap to End Poverty.

Please join us on Friday, May 13, 9 am to 12 noon, at the London Civic Gardens, 625 Springbank Drive in London. The morning will include:
-A review of successful 2015 applications
-Research and academic tips for grant application writing, pitfalls to avoid and lessons learned
-Table discussions to generate collaborative applications in 2016
-Questions and answers by Ontario Trillium Foundation LPRF support staff

RSVP info@crhesi.ca

LPRF Workshop May 13