Analyzing the Language of Cultural Responsiveness

CRHESI is hosting a workshop on the language and frameworks of cultural responsiveness. ‘Cultural competency,’ ‘cultural humility,’ and ‘cultural safety,’ among others, are terms increasingly deployed by organizations and institutions to guide policy, protocol, and training decisions. What can sometimes get lost in the jargon are the distinctive theoretical differences in these various models of cultural responsiveness.

In this workshop, we’ll unpack and analyze these terms. Community Engaged Learning students from studies in political science and international relations will share an overview of the theoretical differences between these models. This workshop considers the potential strengths and weakness of each framework, and the light that these ‘competing’ theories shed on one another’s ‘blindspots,’ assumptions, and biases.

Tue, 2 April 2019, 3:30 PM – 4:30 PM @ Innovation Works

More details and registration: