The impact of COVID-19 guidelines on migrant agricultural workers

In an editorial published in the Canadian Science Policy Review, CRHESI member Susana Caxaj and a team of national colleagues argue that “we cannot go forward with further entry of migrant agricultural workers into Canada without strict regulatory measures that will keep workers safe.” Read the full article: Government COVID-19 guidelines gamble on the lives of migrant agricultural workers.

For more relevant pre-COVID19 background on Susana Caxaj’s research, see this brief video, ‘I Will Not Leave My Body Here”: Migrant Farmworkers’ Health and Safety Amidst a Climate of Coercion

Webinar: Commitment To Equity and Inclusion During Covid-19

The Pillar Nonprofit Network is hosting a webinar on Thursday, April 23, 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM, titled Commitment To Equity and Inclusion During Covid-19:

Equity and inclusion is a commitment that must be applied to all of our work during this pandemic. We know that vulnerable communities are affected by COVID-19 disproportionately. What are we doing to ensure that these communities are being supported during this time?

Presented by Dharshi Lacey, Jasmine Ball, and Eaman Fahmy.

Further details and registration:

Triage and Covid-19: Global Preparedness, socio-cultural considerations, and communication

Dr. Elysee Nouvet is seeking potential participants in Canada or globally for a study entitled, “Triage & Covid-19: Global Preparedness, socio-cultural considerations, and communication”. This rapid study, in collaboration with the WHO Covid-19 Social Sciences working group aims to gather as many accounts as possible from individuals already on or positioned to be on the front lines of Covid-19 patient care. The team is particularly interested in interviewing or surveying those positioned to provide care to those who are critically ill, inside or outside hospital during this pandemic, including patients’ homes, long term care or nursing homes.

This is a RAPID study: preliminary findings open-access by end of month.

The research team is recruiting individuals who may be available and willing to participate either through:

1) a 30-minute interview (responses will be anonymized). We would be very grateful to hear your thoughts surrounding the care for patients who are triaged out of care. Interviews can be in English or French and will be conducted over Zoom or Conventional phone. If you would be willing to participate in an interview, please let me know by responding to this email. This is a RAPID study and interviews are to be completed by April 13.

2) a survey (anonymized upon submission, and through secure Qualtrics platform). The survey will be accepting responses until Monday April 13th, 2020. If you would rather participate in the survey, please click on this link and you will be guided through next steps.

Expressions of interest or questions should be directed to Dr. Elysee Nouvet (primary investigator) at