Announcing the launch of myPlan Canada

Marilyn Ford-Gilboe and Nadine Wathen, along with a team from the University of British Columbia and the University of New Brunswick, have launched myPlan Canada — an innovative, research-based, health and safety app for women experiencing violence from intimate partners.

The app allows users to input their specific circumstances – such as whether they are in immediate danger, live with the abuser, have young children at home, have a job, etc – and will walk them through a personalized plan to protect their safety and health.

To learn more about the history, background research, and development of the app, watch this video of Marilyn Ford-Gilboe discussing one of the research papers published as a part of the project.

Recent media coverage about the release:

New app aids women in violent relationships (Western News)

New app co-developed at Western helps women in violent relationships (CBC London)

‘It’s a starting place’: New app aims to help women in violent relationships (CTV News)

New London-linked app walks women facing violence through safety plan (London Free Press)

London co-developed app helps abused women create safety plan (BlackburnNews)

New app co-developed by Western provides guidance for women experiencing intimate partner violence (106.9X)