Call for Expressions of Interest for Academic Members
The Centre for Research on Health Equity and Social Inclusion (CRHESI) is an interdisciplinary, collaborative initiative situated in the Faculty of Health Sciences at Western University, and partnering with London community organizations, that provides a forum for research-enabled, synergistic and catalytic change for London and surrounding areas.
CRHESI’s research theme areas include: 1) Poverty and inequality; 2) Discrimination, violence and marginalization; 3) Working conditions/employment security; 4) Legacies of colonialism and contemporary realities; and 5) Health policy and services ( Various theories and methodologies are used to examine questions of community and scholarly importance within and among these thematic areas.
The Centre is co-led by a community and academic co-director and supported by two part-time staff, with additional support from the Faculty of Health Sciences and funding from the Arthur Labatt Family. Located at Innovation Works on King Street in Downtown London, CRHESI is comprised of over 250 community and university partners. For more information, see:
CRHESI’s Executive Committee
Comprised of the Community and Academic Co-Directors, and a balanced mix of Western University faculty representatives, community agency representatives, and Western University student(s)/emerging researcher(s) appointed to 3-year terms, the Executive Committee sets operational priorities, provides oversight for strategic planning, and problem-solves as issues arise; further, it provides advice and support regarding: project activity development and implementation; fostering new research collaborations; community-university relationship development; assessing and monitoring the allocation of resources.
The Committee meets quarterly, generally at Innovation Works, with additional activities conducted via CRHESI events, projects or email consultations, as needed. Pre-meeting packages are sent approximately one week in advance. Terms of Reference are available on request. For more information about current members, see:
This position is uncompensated, though expenses to attend meetings are covered.
Academic Member Eligibility
Academic Executive Committee members are those with continuing faculty (tenure or non-tenure track) appointments in any Western University Faculty or School. Members should have interest and expertise in one or more of the CRHESI theme areas as demonstrated through relevant funding, publication and/or knowledge mobilization activities.
Expressions of Interest
To indicate interest in joining CRHESI’s Executive Committee as an Academic representative, please send a 250 word document outlining your relevant experiences and expertise, and what you would hope to contribute to CRHESI’s work and a more equitable and inclusive London community, along with a current CV, to by January 15, 2023.
These expressions of interest will be reviewed by CRHESI to assess fit to our mandate and our current committee composition and needs. A meeting with top candidates will be requested, and a final decision is anticipated in February 2023, with the person attending their first meeting in April 2023.