Under the supervision of an LMLIP Work Group and a consulting company currently being secured by the City of London, the positions will involve working on an environmental scan for London and Middlesex. The environmental scan will include detailed reviews and analyses of: research and literature pertaining to the demographic, economic, and social conditions in London and Middlesex; existing data on experiences of discrimination and on attitudes towards immigrants in London and Middlesex; evaluations of community capacity and perceptions of the work of the London and Middlesex Local Immigration Partnership conducted since 2010; organizations’ strategic plans and policies on immigration, diversity and inclusion; and a variety of other sources of information on London and Middlesex organizations such as annual financial reports, websites, etc. In addition to the review and analyses of secondary data, tasks may include assisting with a series of consultations with organizations in London and Middlesex.
More information: https://crhesi.uwo.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Students-and-Postdocs-SDI.pdf
Interested students and postdoctoral fellows should contact Huda Hussein, LMLIP Project Coordinator by February 4, 2022 at hhussein@lmlip.ca