Let’s continue to make London a Trauma- and Violence-Informed Community

CRHESI and community members convened on November 15 for a collaborative symposium about trauma- and violence-informed care (TVIC) in our community. The discussion reviewed activities currently in progress and explored potential for collaboration moving forward.

Read the follow-up one-pager report of the event.

Presenters included:
Margaret MacPherson, who presented on the possibilities and characteristics of a trauma and violence informed community, including ongoing work by the Southwest Region Coordinating committee.

Susan McPhail, of CMHA and My Sisters’ Place, shared on-the-ground experiences and organizational lessons from MSP’s process of becoming trauma- and violence-informed.

Marilyn Ford-Gilboe and Nadine Wathen, both from Western University, shared current tools and lessons learned from EQUIP trainings. They also discussed the role of TVIC in broader Equity-Oriented Healthcare.

Based on this community conversation, important actions moving forward are:
1. To share what we know about trauma- and violence-informed care
2. To map out what different organizations and individuals are already doing, or need to do towards TVIC
3. To build capacity, commitments and evaluation of TVIC training and initiatives

This event was co-hosted by Centre for Research on Health Equity and Social Inclusion (CRHESI) and the Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women & Children (CREVAWC).

If you were unable to join us on Nov. 15, but are interested in joining this community of interest, please email us at info@crhesi.ca to be notified of further events and news. A compilation of resources for Trauma- and Violence-Informed Care is available at crhesi.ca/resources/tvic.