Ongoing Study: Local Employment Planning Council Labour Market Participation

Led by the Centre for Organizational Effectiveness, this research focuses on reasons for nonparticipation in the labour market, and strategies to encourage and support labour market engagement. During the month of September we are conducting focus groups and interviews, as well have an online survey.

Help us promote and champion the study, helping us engage with people who are not working for pay or have recently experienced a job search. Please contact Gerda Zonruiter by email at, or by phone at 519-932-0535.

For more information about the Local Employment Planning Council, click here.

Meet CRHESI: Yasmin Hussain

Yasmin Hussain is Violence Prevention Coordinator at the Muslim Resource Centre for Social Support and Integration. In her role, Yasmin coordinates Reclaim Honour, a community-based violence prevention project grounded in youth participatory action. Reclaim Honour actively engages Muslim young women and men in co-creating and leading creative strategies that serve to invite Muslim communities in dialogue and action on issues of gender-based and family violence. Yasmin has extensive experience in community development and youth participatory action. She has coordinated various projects at different organizations, including the Boys and Girls Club of London, Sexual Assault Centre London, and Centre for Research and Education on Violence Against Women and Children. These projects created opportunities for young people to address social inequalities and lead change in their communities. Yasmin strongly believes in strengths-based and participatory models of community development and social action, as such strategies expand the space of who participates in the development of solutions to issues impacting communities.

Post-Doctoral Fellowship at Wilfrid-Laurier University

Wilfrid Laurier University is seeking a Postdoctoral Fellow for a full‐time, one year fellowship with Dr Josephine McMurray in the Lazaridis School of Business & Economics (up to two years of funding is possible based on productivity and support).

The successful candidate’s primary responsibility will be to coordinate and conduct research activities for the NCE AGE‐WELL funded research project Developing Regional Health innovation Ecosystems (DRiVE), though other opportunities for collaborative research may be available dependent upon funding and time. The position is full time and available immediately, but the start date is negotiable. The Fellow will work from the Laurier Brantford campus location at least two days a week. Some travel will be required. See more details here.

CRHESI at Pathways to Health Equity 2016

The Centre for Research on Health Equity and Social Inclusion shared its story at the Pathways to Health Equity: Levelling the Playing Field conference held this May 30-June 2 in Winnipeg, MA.

Dr. Helene Berman, Centre co-director, described CRHESI’s vision to bring community and academic partners in collaborative processes that generate relevant research questions. “Community-academic partnerships take time,” said Helene. “We work to bring our equity lens to our vision for change in the community, but also to how we conduct partnerships within our Centre.”

Attendees to this talk were interested in approaches to maintain equity through the development of research and knowledge-translation projects. They asked about processes that supported community membership and presence at decision-making tables. Helene spoke to the Centre’s commitments to self-reflection in all its processes, including how and when meetings were held, how Steering and Governance bodies were constituted, and attention to issues of power and representation that emerge.

Meet CRHESI: Nadine Wathen

Nadine Wathen PhD ( is Associate Professor & Faculty Scholar at Western Univeristy, a Research Scholar at Western’s Centre for Research and Education on Violence Against Women and Children, and a Member of the College of the Royal Society of Canada. Her research examines the health and social service sector response to violence against women and children, interventions to reduce health inequities, and the science of knowledge translation, with a focus on enhancing the use of research in policy and practice. Nadine co-leads a number of research initiatives, including: the PreVAiL Research Network, VEGA: A Public Health Response to Family Violence, EQUIP: Research to Equip Primary Health Care for Equity and the Domestic Violence @ Work Network.