Networking Reception at CAEH Conference

The Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness annual conference is occurring in London this November 2-4. As part of the conference we are facilitating a networking reception for faculty, students, and post-docs.

With CRHESI as a sponsor for this event, we would like to extend an invitation to any of our members who are interested in the area of homelessness to attend, even if you are not attending the conference.

The reception is Wednesday, November 2, at 6:30pm-8:30pm, at the beautifully renovated historic London Round House. Free finger foods provided by Blackfriars Cafe. There will also be a cash bar. This is an opportunity to network with other academics and partners, including students, doing work across Canada in this sector.

We look forward to having you join us, and would appreciate an RSVP to to assist us with our planning.

Making Connections in CRHESI

The Centre for Research on Health Equity and Social Inclusion (CRHESI) is driven by connections with our membership and the community. As such, we are dedicated to meaningful engagement within and across these networks. We believe that the best way to support an environment that is conducive to innovative and influential research is to help facilitate connections that matter.

We want to sit down with you to learn about the specifics of you work and to understand your areas of interest. Meeting with you and other researchers and community partners enables us to find correlations, parallels and complementary overlaps between your work and that of other members.

Here’s a little video to describe our strategy for helping new CRHESI members make meaningful connections within the network:


Louise Pitre on Coffee, Leadership, and Power

Louise Pitre, the Executive Director for Family Service Thames Valley, and member of the Governance Board for the Centre for Research on Health Equity and Social Inclusion, was recently profiled in the London Free Press.

Coming Out Over Coffee, a program of Family Service Thames Valley, is a growing and successful initiative. The program gives clients a safe and confidential place to discuss issues related to sexual orientation. But despite its success, Pitre does not want to take the credit for what the program has accomplished. As she tells the London Free Press, leadership means relinquishing power and decision-making to people who have the perspective, experience, and knowledge to create something new.

Coming Out Over Coffee has been nominated for a Pillar Community Award, in the community-impact category.


London Delves into the Political Correctness Debate

The Wolf Hall Debates series (presented by the London Public Library, Urban League of London, London Community Foundation, and London Arts Council) is hosting an Oxford-style debate on Monday, October 17, 2016 (7:00pm – 9:00pm). The motion: ‘Be it resolved that political correctness has gone too far.’

The civic discourse on the concept of political correctness is particularly interesting from an equity and social inclusion lens:

In the shadow of the global refugee crisis, Islamophobia, #BlackLivesMatter, Canada’s Truth and Reconciliation Report, and the rhetoric of the American presidential election (19 days later), four debaters and three respondents take the stage to discuss an inescapable theme of our time: political correctness. Has it gone too far? Or do we need more of it? Does ‘correcting our politics’ actually change how we think and act as a society? In the end, does political correctness change the way we treat one another… for better or for worse? (Quoted from Wolf Hall Debates)

Political correctness drives us to examine fundamental questions about the way people in society frame the identity of ‘the other.’ At a broad social level, it is increasingly becoming difficult to talk about systemic marginalization and stigmatization without accounting for the rhetoric of political correctness. Furthermore, political correctness also has obvious and interesting implications for the academic/research sector.

Everyone interested in ‘taking the pulse’ of how our community is thinking about these big questions is encouraged to attend.

The debaters at this event are Ali Chahbar, Susan Toth, Mojdeh Cox, and Jeff Preston. Respondents include Tim Blackmore (Western University), Frankie Condon (University of Waterloo), and Sheri Doxtator (Oneida Nation of the Thames Settlement). The debate is convened and hosted by James Shelley.

Learn more and sign up if you are interested in attending. (Free. General Admission.)

Reflections from London’s Community Forum on Racism

On September 17, members of the London community gathered to discuss the issue of racism in the city.

Several members of the CRHESI community were present. James Shelley, CRHESI Co-Coordinator, shares some of his reflections on the event in a recent blog post, ‘When Inclusivity is Exclusionary.’ The post gathers together some points from the discussion (both live and on Twitter) and ponders how the language of inclusion is inherently related to power and privilege.

Mayor Matt Brown also issued a statement after the event. ‘We will devise an action plan to work with our community to combat racism in London. It is important for us to address this as it is, an anti-racism strategy,’ he said.

In other developments, London’s Diversity and Race Relations Advisory Committee (LDRRAC), organizers of the September 17 forum, received approval from City Council to change their name to the Diversity, Inclusion & Anti-Oppression Advisory Committee (DIAAC).

Ontario’s Anti-Racism Directorate is holding a public community meeting in London sometime in October.

Stay tuned for further material, follow-up, and video related to the September 17 forum over the coming weeks.