Deep Dish #10: COVID’s Impact on Food Retail through a Gender-based Analysis Lens – FRESHER

In Ontario, women are consistently over-represented in low wage front-line jobs, holding nearly 60% of minimum wage jobs (Ontario Pay Equity, 2021). These are the jobs that are bearing the brunt of the economic losses brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic (CBC, 2021). Women’s low earnings are especially a concern for 82% of lone-parent families headed by females.

Source: Deep Dish #10: COVID’s Impact on Food Retail through a Gender-based Analysis Lens – FRESHER

Job Posting: ICOI Provincial Coordinator (Ontario)

The Inclusive Communities for Older Immigrants (ICOI) SSHRC project has posted a Provincial Coordinator role for Ontario. Application deadline is December 15, 2021.

Provincial Coordinator is needed to support the work of a SSHRC-funded project: Inclusive Communities for Older Immigrants (ICOI). ICOI is a 7-year multidisciplinary, multi-sector, multi-province project that will build sustainable connections to generate knowledge about social isolation and connectedness among older immigrants, support multidirectional knowledge exchange, and improve older immigrants’ lives.

Position details: Provincial Coordinator (Ontario) – Careers – Ryerson University

Immploy Mentorship Program

The Immploy Mentorship program matches newcomer jobseekers with professionals in the same industry so that they can build out their networks, learn a bit more about the industry from a Canadian perspective and build confidence to pursue their career goals. Some findings indicate that immigrants and refugees that participate in mentorship are 2.5 times more likely to find meaningful employment in their field.

Immploy currently has a waitlist of newcomer job seekers who are looking for mentors to support them on their journey

Learn more at and email if you are interested in getting involved.

Municipal Anti-Hate Symposium: Towards a collective approach to understanding and dismantling hate

Hosted by the City of London, Oshawa, Hamilton & Kingston, the Municipality of Clarington and the Regional Municipality of Durham with the support of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada, this symposium will host Dr. Barbara Perry as a keynote speaker, and will cover topics such as anti-hate policies, anti-Indigenous, Asian, Muslim, Black and LGBTQ2S+ hate.  This symposium will also provide an opportunity to discuss next steps and the work that needs to be done in our cities to eradicate hate.

Registration: Webinar Registration via Zoom