Black Histories Project Coordinator Position Available

Are you passionate about Black history and eager to contribute to your community? The London Black History Coordinating Committee (LBHCC), in partnership with the London & Middlesex Heritage Museum (L&MHM) – Fanshawe Pioneer Village, is looking for a dedicated Black Histories Project Coordinator.

Position Details:

  • Contract Duration: July 2024 – June 30, 2025
  • Location: Fanshawe Pioneer Village with potential for hybrid work

This role offers a unique opportunity to engage with the community, support educational programs, and help increase public understanding of London’s Black histories.

How to Apply:

For more information, please refer to the attached document.

Project Coordinator Job Description

Breaking Through the Brokenness: An Arts-Based Qualitative Exploration of Pregnant Women’s Experience of Intimate Partner Violence while Receiving Trauma- and Violence-Informed Antenatal Care

Image Citation: Jackson et al., 2024, p. 8, Figure 6. Now Perfectly Imperfect, Water Color, Artist #6.

Breaking Through the Brokenness: An Arts-Based Qualitative Exploration of Pregnant Women’s Experience of Intimate Partner Violence while Receiving Trauma- and Violence-Informed Antenatal Care is a groundbreaking Canadian project with a unique combination of arts-based inquiry and trauma informed care (TVIC) to enhance understanding of women’s experiences with perinatal care in the context of IPV.

This project integrated various art forms, including visual art, thematic poetry, and performance, to analyze and interpret qualitative data. This innovative approach resulted in rich, embodied understandings of the experiences of pregnant women receiving mental health care related to their experience of IPV. A unique and empathic way to understand and translate women’s experiences of IPV, pregnancy, healing, and strength, resulted from the creation of nine pieces of visual art and four poems reflecting participants’ journeys.

Given the explicit intention of arts-based research to reach a wide audience, the project team is disseminating these findings and art creations to emotionally and cognitively engage diverse audiences with hopes of raising awareness and driving positive policy and social change.

The findings from this project underscores the potential of combining art with TVIC to improve care and social services for childbearing women experiencing IPV.

We hope you enjoy reading!

Article Citation:
Jackson KT, Mantler T, O’Keefe-McCarthy S, Davidson CA, Shillington KJ, Yates J. “Breaking through the Brokenness”: An Arts-Based Qualitative Exploration of Pregnant Women’s Experience of Intimate Partner Violence while Receiving Trauma- and Violence-Informed Antenatal Care. Creative Nursing. 2024;0(0). doi:10.1177/10784535241256872

From Genetic Code to Postal Code: Addressing the complexity of pain care in Canada

Dr. Bosma is the Director of the University of Toronto Centre for the Study of Pain and is an Assistant Professor of Pain and Neuroscience in the Faculty of Dentistry. Her research program is embedded within the Toronto Academic Pain Medicine Institute at Women’s College Hospital where she is the Research Lead for the program. Dr. Bosma is the Chair of the Board of Directors for Pain Ontario, serves on the executive for the Ontario Chronic Pain Network, and is a principle investigator for the SPOR Chronic Pain Network.

Please RSVP for this event here.  

If you have any questions about this event, please email us at or visit our website.

Addressing Homelessness Stigma: Finding Ways to Help Individuals to Thrive Following Homelessness

Dr. Carrie Marshall stands at the forefront of a critical mission: supporting the well-being of individuals experiencing homelessness. With a deeply rooted passion for social justice and human rights, Carrie’s journey into this field began during her studies in Occupational Therapy, where she encountered a glaring gap in the support systems for those transitioning out of homelessness. Motivated by a desire to make a tangible difference, she embarked on a mission to understand and address the multifaceted challenges faced by this group of people.

Reflecting on her journey, Carrie says, “I started in my PhD working on helping to identify how to support people to transition to housing following homelessness. What we know is that when people are housed following homelessness, their psychosocial well-being isn’t necessarily improved…I realized that when people get a home after being homeless, they still often feel lonely or like they don’t fit in.” This realization served as a catalyst for her research, driving her to explore innovative solutions to enhance the lives of people who have experienced homelessness.

Carrie’s groundbreaking work led to the development of the Peer-to-Community model, a holistic initiative that combines peer support and occupational therapy to facilitate the integration of individuals into their communities following homelessness. Rooted in the principles of empowerment and community building, this model has shown promising results in helping participants rebuild social networks and regain a sense of belonging.

“I believe that community integration is essential for individuals transitioning out of homelessness,” Carrie asserts. “The Peer-to-Community model provides a supportive framework for individuals to reconnect with their communities and rebuild their lives with dignity and respect.”

Beyond her research endeavors, Carrie is committed to countering the stigma surrounding homelessness—a pervasive issue that often exacerbates the challenges faced by those experiencing homelessness. Recognizing the power of education and awareness, she launched the “At Least Five Ways” initiative—an innovative campaign aimed at empowering youth and young adults to challenge stereotypes and foster empathy through creative expression.

Explaining the inspiration behind the campaign, she says, “One thing that holds people back from integrating into their communities following homelessness is the stigma associated with having experienced homelessness. By empowering young people to engage in dialogue and raise awareness, we hope to spark meaningful change in societal perceptions.”

The “At Least Five Ways” initiative invites participants to create animated videos highlighting innovative approaches to reducing stigma and promoting understanding. Through these videos, participants share personal experiences, challenge stereotypes, and offer practical solutions to address homelessness stigma. By fostering empathy and understanding, Dr. Marshall believes that we can create a more inclusive and supportive environment for people rebuilding their lives after experiencing homelessness.

As Carrie continues her research and advocacy efforts, her commitment remains steadfast. With every project, she strives to make a meaningful impact and advocate for the rights and dignity of individuals experiencing homelessness. Through collaboration, education, and empathy, she believes that we can create a more just and inclusive society for all. Dr. Carrie Marshall’s work serves as a beacon of hope, inspiring positive change and paving the way for a brighter future for generations to come.

Here are some papers directly related to this work:

Marshall, C.A., Holmes, J., Todd, E., Panter, G., *Plett, P., *Easton, C., *Perez, S., Landry, T., Collins, S., Jastak, M., Murray, R., *Goldszmidt, R., Rudman, D., Carlsson, A., Oudshoorn, A. & Forchuk, C. (2024). Co-designing the “Peer to Community (P2C) Model”: an intervention for promoting community integration following homelessness. International Journal on Homelessness. In press.

Marshall, C., *Cooke, A., *Bengall, J., Holmes, J., Aryobi, S., Phillips, B., Lysaght, R. & Gewurtz, R. (2024). “It’s like your days are empty and yet there’s life all around”: A mixed methods, multi-site study exploring boredom during and following homelessness. PLOS One.

Marshall, C., Phillips, B., Holmes, J., Todd, E., Hill, R., Panter, G., *Easton, C., Landry, T., Collins, S., Greening, T., O’Brien, A., Jastak, M., Ridge, R., *Goldszmidt, R., *Shanoff, C., Laliberte Rudman, D., Carlsson, A., Aryobi, S., *Szlapinski, J., *Carrillo-Beck, R., *Pacheco, N., *Perez, S., Oudshoorn, A. (2023). “I can’t remember the last time I was comfortable about being home”: lived experience perspectives on thriving following homelessness. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, 18(1), 2176979. [Contribution: 75%; IFR 2.179; Citations: 0]

Marshall, C., *Easton, C., Phillips, B., Boland, L., Isard, R., Holmes, J., *Shanoff, C., *Hawksley, K., Landry, T., *Goldszmidt, R., Aryobi, S., *Plett, P. & Oudshoorn, A. (2022). Experiences of transitioning from homelessness: A systematic review and meta-aggregation of qualitative studies conducted in middle to high income countries. Journal of Social Distress and Homelessness. Online ahead of print. 1-22.

Marshall, C.A., Phillips, B., Holmes, J., Todd, E., Hill, R., Panter, G., *Easton, C., Landry, T., Collins, S., Greening, T., O’Brien, A., Jastak, M., Ridge, R., *Goldszmidt, R., *Shanoff, C., Laliberte Rudman, D., Carlsson, A., Aryobi, S., *Perez, S. & Oudshoorn, A. (2022). ‘We stick people in a house and say okay, you’re housed. The problem is solved’: A qualitative study of service provider and organisational leader perspectives on thriving following homelessness. Health & Social Care in the Community. Online ahead of print.

Marshall, C., Boland, L., Westover, L., Marcellus, B., Weil, S. & Wickett, S. (2020). Interventions to address community integration in homeless persons: A systematic review. Health and Social Care in the Community, 26(8), 1843-1862.

Ontario Investing in More Accessible Communities

Applications now open for the 2024-25 EnAbling Change Program

The Ontario government is investing up to $1.5 million in the EnAbling Change Program this year to support not-for-profits, municipalities, and other organizations across the province that are developing and implementing innovative initiatives to make Ontario accessible to people of all abilities.

“By working together with businesses, organizations and communities, we can build a stronger and more accessible Ontario,” said Raymond Cho, Minister for Seniors and Accessibility. “The EnAbling Change Program allows organizations to develop tailored supports to ensure Ontario is open and inclusive to everyone.”

Applications for the 2024-25 EnAbling Change Program are open now until June 27, 2024. Eligible projects can include those that increase the accessibility of community programs and services, as well as online initiatives, educational tools, and public outreach programs that help communities and businesses understand the benefits of accessibility and inclusion.

Examples of projects currently funded through the 2023-24 program include:

  • BioTalent Canada is receiving approximately $150,000 to promote equitable employment opportunities for people with disabilities.
  • The Geneva Centre for Autism is receiving approximately $112,500 to create The Inclusive Education Resource Hub to support better outcomes and experiences for neurodiverse students in publicly funded education.
  • The Canadian Apprenticeship Forum is receiving approximately $100,000 to develop a guide for employers on recruiting and retaining apprentices with disabilities in the skilled trades.
  • Toronto Metropolitan University is receiving approximately $150,000 to develop, pilot and disseminate a curriculum called The Enabling Accessible Healthcare Delivery project, which aims to foster accessible and sensitive health care for disabled people.

The Ministry for Seniors and Accessibility’s Age-friendly and accessibility grants web page has information on how to apply for the 2024-25 EnAbling Change Program.

Quick Facts

  • The EnAbling Change Program started in 1999 and has supported more than 230 projects across Ontario. It provides funding to municipalities, not-for-profit, industry and professional associations across a range of sectors.

Additional Resources