The Undergraduate Global Health Equity Research Fellowship Program is a program aimed at building the capacity, knowledge and interest of undergraduate students at Western University in health equity research, with a local or global focus, or both. Six fellowship positions are available, valued at $1200 each. Each fellowship will focus on one of the following themes: racism and health; gender-based violence/trauma- and violence-informed care (TVIC); disabilities and equity; newcomer issues/challenges; homelessness and housing security; and, Two-Spirit and Indigenous LGBTQ+ health.
Under the guidance of faculty and community partner co-mentors, the fellow will engage in research, scholarship or creative activities within their respective area of focus.
The program will run between May 3-August 27, 2021.
Application deadline: April 6, 2021
Notice of decisions: April 16, 2021
The Undergraduate Global Health Equity Research Fellowship Program is a collaboration between the Health Equity Interdisciplinary Development Initiative and the Centre for Research on Health Equity and Social Inclusion.