Multiple studies have found that healthcare providers hold weight stigmatizing attitudes, but few explore how weight stigma happens or how it may be disrupted. In this workshop clinicians and/or clinical instructors are invited to learn the existence of weight stigma in clinical practice and how to disrupt it from Zoe Leyland, PhD, and Eva Pila, PhD.
More information on this workshop and others can be found: https://uwo.ca/fhs//education/ipe/workshops.html
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this workshop, participants will understand the existence of weight stigma and learn ways to disrupt weight stigma in practice.
Date: Thursday, June 15, 2023 (6:00 – 8:00 p.m. EST)
Location: Virtual via Zoom
Registration Fee: No cost for participants
Expected Audience: Clinicians/Clinical Instructors
Registration Link: https://westernuniversity.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUpf-Gtqz4vGNehLYvVoWh4SeBu93dWUcHU
A certificate of completion will be available to all workshop participants.
Questions? Please contact:
Zoe Leyland
EDIDA and Interprofessional Education Coordinator
Faculty of Health Sciences, Western University
zletwin@uwo.ca | 519 661-2111 x85593
Please register by Wednesday, June 14
It is strongly recommended that registration is for an individual and not groups as participation will be involved.