Exploring the New Research Handbook on Homelessness

The “Research Handbook on Homelessness,” published by Edward Elgar Publishing, offers a comprehensive and insightful examination of one of the most pressing social issues of our time. This new volume brings together a range of expert perspectives on homelessness, offering valuable insights into its causes, consequences, and potential solutions.

One of the notable contributions to this handbook is Chapter 32, titled “Homelessness Prevention,” authored by Abe Oudshoorn and Amy Van Berkum. This chapter stands out for its practical and evidence-based approach to preventing homelessness, drawing on extensive research and real-world applications.

Abe Oudshoorn, a CRHESI affiliate and member, collaborated with Amy Van Berkum to address critical strategies and interventions aimed at preventing homelessness. Their chapter provides a valuable contribution to the field, focusing on innovative prevention strategies and examining the broader context of homelessness.

In London, Ontario, the city and various stakeholders are working together on the initiative “Health & Homelessness: A Whole of Community System Response,” which involves CRHESI’s support. CRHESI plays a key role by supporting the System Foundations Table (SFT), which identifies priority questions for research and evaluation teams and sets timelines for deliverables. This includes coordinating research/evaluation team meetings, developing project plans and resources, and providing regular progress reports. CRHESI is dedicated to fostering effective communication and ensuring transparency throughout the process. For more information on CRHESI’s involvement and progress, visit Health & Homelessness – CRHESI.

For additional details about the city’s efforts, visit the City of London’s Health & Homelessness Initiative.

This handbook is an essential resource for researchers, policymakers, and practitioners committed to understanding and addressing homelessness. By delving into effective prevention strategies and exploring the broader issues surrounding homelessness, the volume offers valuable insights and guidance.

For more details and to access the book, visit the Research Handbook on Homelessness.