Investigating the term, ‘People with lived experience’

CRHESI co-coordinator James Shelley explores the term ‘People with lived experience’ through a critical lens in a recent blog post about the evolution of attitudes and nomenclature:

Then it struck me, the term ‘people with lived experience’ only changes semantics, not attitudes and assumptions. Whether you say people experience homelessness or are homeless, the fundamental question is what you presume and presuppose about the concept of homelessness itself. Psychologically speaking, the influence of our syntax is quite limited here: rejigging the subject and predicate of a sentence does not somehow automatically override the feelings and beliefs we have internalized about the nature of homelessness. Even though the new term grammatically reframes homelessness as a condition instead of an identity, it nonetheless continues to carry the assumptions, biases, and stigmas of its speakers and hearers.

Read the entire article here.

Do you have some food for thought, or a reflection, analysis, or critique you would like to share with the CRHESI community? Email us at info[at] and let us know.

Organizing Equality

Organizing Equality is a major international conference hosted by members of the Faculty of Information & Media Studies at Western University, and will take place at Museum London between the 24th and 26th of March 2017. This conference will bring academics, artists and activists together from around the globe to address inequality and to develop new forms of knowing, thinking and acting together to guide future struggles.

Call for Papers
Proposals for papers and sessions should be limited to 250 words. The deadline for the submission of abstracts for 20-minute presentations is August 1 2016. Please include with your paper or session proposal, your name, e-mail address, institutional or group affiliation, and a short CV or biography. Abstracts should be e-mailed to the organizing committee at:
Travel bursaries are available for participants from the global south. Please indicate in your submission if you would like to be considered for financial assistance.

Conference website:

Faculty of Health Sciences International Scholar-in-Residence Lecture

Join us for the Faculty of Health Sciences International Scholar-in-Residence Lecture

Towards Inclusive Societies: Contributions of an Occupational Perspective

Clare Hocking, PhD, Auckland University of Technology (New Zealand)

July 7, 2016, Health Sciences Building – Room 236

Social justice relates to receiving a fair share of society’s wealth, having opportunities to access culturally important occupations, and the potential for equitable outcomes. In this presentation, Professor Hocking draws together ideas from the work of Young, Sen and Nussbaum, to discuss the occupations societies have reason to value and the assistance that ought to be made available to promote social justice. For more information, click here.

Understanding & Responding to Family Violence in the Context of Migration

Join us on June 29, 2016. The Muslim Resource Centre for Social Support and Integration, the CRHESI, and the Centre for Research & Education on Violence against Women & Children invite you to a community of practice conversation regarding the challenges and opportunities in work to end domestic violence in the context of migration. This free forum will provide:

  1. A comprehensive description of current policy & evidence contexts.
  2. Fresh discussion of approaches to responding to family violence in our newcomer communities.
  3. Increased sense of community engagement, including a clear vision of the community of practice and their distinct/shared areas of work.

The day will consider macro- and micro-level questions and contexts, including evidence & research needs, and policy perspectives in the field. International and national perspectives will include an overview of gendered migration and immigrant family integration. Please register here.

Local Poverty Reduction Fund Workshop

To optimize chances of success, the Middlesex-London Health Unit, the Centre for Research on Health Equity and Inclusion, and Pillar NonProfit Network have organized a collaborative capacity-building workshop. Its aim is to share insights, coordinate for joint applications, and strategically address priorities as articulated in the Ontario Poverty Reduction Strategy and the London Mayor’s Advisory Panel on Poverty Report, London For All: A Roadmap to End Poverty.

Please join us on Friday, May 13, 9 am to 12 noon, at the London Civic Gardens, 625 Springbank Drive in London. The morning will include:
-A review of successful 2015 applications
-Research and academic tips for grant application writing, pitfalls to avoid and lessons learned
-Table discussions to generate collaborative applications in 2016
-Questions and answers by Ontario Trillium Foundation LPRF support staff


LPRF Workshop May 13