Study: A portrait of Canadians who have been homeless

“Although a minority of Canadians experience homelessness at a certain point in their life, some groups are at an elevated risk, including sexual minorities, Indigenous people and Black women.

These results are from a new Insights on Canadian Society article released today, “A portrait of Canadians who have been homeless.”

Using data from the 2018 Canadian Housing Survey, the study examines the characteristics of individuals who had previously experienced homelessness.

It also examines the current well-being of these individuals. While the experience of homelessness has immediate detrimental impacts on individuals, those who experienced homelessness in the past are more likely to have poor health and financial difficulties in their present situation.

Given the nature of the data, the results of this study are representative of Canadians who are housing decision makers within their households, but not necessarily of all Canadians aged 15 and older. Despite this limitation, the results of this study contribute significantly to our understanding of this social issue in Canada, particularly because information on unsheltered homelessness is very scarce…” Read full article here


Study Links Lower COVID Vaccine Rates and Homelessness

“In Ontario, COVID-19 vaccine coverage among adults with a recent history of homelessness has lagged and, as of Sept 30, 2021, was 25 percentage points lower than that of the general adult population in Ontario for a first dose and 34 percentage points lower for a second dose. With high usage of outpatient health services among individuals with a recent history of homelessness, better utilisation of outpatient primary care structures might offer an opportunity to increase vaccine coverage in this population. Our findings underscore the importance of leveraging existing health and service organisations that are accessed and trusted by people who experience homelessness for targeted vaccine delivery.” Shariff et al., 2022

Read the full journal article

Read Western News article

All Are Welcome Here virtual event March 21, 2022

All are Welcome Here/Tous sont les Bienvenus Içi, March 21, 2022

The London & Middlesex Local Immigration Partnership and its partners invite you to join us virtually on Monday, March 21 from 2:00 – 4:00 pm for our annual All Are Welcome Here event in recognition of the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.

Together we will listen, learn and participate in interactive activities to better understand discrimination in our community and what we can do as individuals, organizations, and a community to combat it. In an effort to mobilize the global goal of eliminating racial discrimination, we must all take action locally, where we are. This event will equip us all to more effectively and actively make contributions to a more welcoming community here in London & Middlesex. After all, what unites us is stronger than what divides us.

More information and please register here.

Disclaimer: This event will cover sensitive topics. We will do everything possible to ensure an inclusive and safe space for all to participate.

Inaugural Conference: Western Complex Systems

Western Research and the Complex Adaptive Systems (CAS) Lab host the inaugural Western Complex Systems Conference on March 30, 2022.

This one-day conference highlights the application of complexity theory and systems thinking across disciplines. Across vast diversity in fields, methodologies, and domain expertise, the common thread is curiosity about the ways that nonlinear dynamics and systemic thinking invite us to understand and respond to our world.

Read more and register here.

CRHESI members may be interested in the following sessions:

4:00 pm EST- Thinking About Racism and Colonialism through the Lens of Complexity Theory: A Literature Review Presented by Maya Lalji and Martina Ye (4995F/4996G CAS Lab / CRHESI practicum placement students), Faculty of Health Sciences, Western University

4:30 pm EST – Shapeshifters, Systems Thinking and Settler Colonial Logic: Expanding the Framework of Analysis of Indigenous Health Equity Presented by Lana Ray, Indigenous Research Chair in Decolonial Futures, Assistant Professor, Indigenous Learning, Lakehead University and Lloy Wylie, Associate Professor, Public Health, Pathology, Psychiatry and Anthropology, Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry, Western University