Invitation to Participate: Opportunities and Challenges in Settlement Services Delivery

The  London & Middlesex Local Immigration Partnership (LMLIP) conducts a series of meetings to hear thoughts on the existing opportunities and challenges with the provision and funding of settlement services to refugees and immigrants. This Fall, LMLIP will be hosting consultation meetings with stakeholders and Indigenous Communities as part of the process to develop a Community Based Model for Settlement Services. 

All meetings will continue to be virtual during this calendar year. Please click on the link to register below;

Opportunities and Challenges for Healthcare, Housing, Education/Childcare, and EmploymentSep 29, 2022, 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM

The session will include an overall presentation followed by breakout sessions on the topics of Healthcare, Housing, Education/Childcare, and Employment – Register Here

Environmental Scan Review: Healthcare, Housing, Education/Childcare, and EmploymentOct 18, 2022 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM

The session will include an overall presentation summarizing the results of the initial research phase of the project (the Environmental Scan), followed by breakout sessions on the topics of Healthcare, Housing, Education/Childcare, and Employment – Register Here

Environmental Scan Review: Ethnocultural and Faith Based Groups, Immigration and Settlement Services (Facilitation in French will be provided)Oct 20, 2022 05:30 PM – 7:00 PM

The session will include an overall presentation summarizing the results of the initial research phase of the project (the Environmental Scan), followed by breakout sessions dedicated to Ethnocultural and Faith Based Groups, as well as organizations offering immigration and settlement services – Register Here

Agendas for each meeting will be circulated to registered attendees prior to each meeting.

If you have any questions please feel free to reach out Beuglet, Nicole

Funding opportunity: Shifting Dynamics of Privilege and Marginalization

The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) and Genome Canada have partnered to offer a Knowledge Synthesis Grants (KSG) funding opportunity to foster a deeper understanding of the state of knowledge about the shifting dynamics of privilege and marginalization. A maximum of 30 grants of up to $30,000 each will be awarded.

KSGs stimulate knowledge mobilization by supporting the synthesis of existing knowledge on a topic to inform the development of effective policies, practices, tools and technologies required to support the path toward a prosperous and equitable future for all Canadians. KSGs may also assist in developing future research agendas.

Recipients of the KSGs on the shifting dynamics of privilege and marginalization will consider how the world’s power dynamics are being reshaped, at individual, community and societal levels, as a result of various factors, such as sociopolitical events; new technologies, including genomics; dis/mis/information; and the COVID-19 pandemic.

Researchers will share their findings with key stakeholders from across sectors at the Imagining Canada’s Future Forum, which will be held in late 2023 or early 2024.

The deadline for submission is December 15, 2022 (8:00 p.m. eastern).

For more information, contact:

New SSHRC-CMHC Joint Initiative: Research Partnership Grants to Assess Longitudinal Housing Outcomes

The Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC), in partnership with SSHRC, has launched the new Partnership Grants for National Housing Strategy Longitudinal Outcomes Research, to examine key issues affecting outcomes of investments in affordable housing. 

CMHC aims to support multi-disciplinary research teams of social sciences and humanities researchers, life scientists, engineers, and environmental scientists to work collaboratively. They will examine the long-term health, socio-economic, and climate change outcomes of investments in affordable housing, and the links between housing, health, socio-economic, and environmental factors at the household and community levels. 

CMHC wishes to invest up to $4.8M over five years to support two multidisciplinary and multisectoral research partnerships. SSHRC will administer the funding opportunity and will work with CIHR and NSERC to promote the funding opportunity to researchers in all fields.

For more information about this funding opportunity, including application instructions, please visit CMHC website.

Register for a webinar to answer questions for the Partnership Grants opportunity!
English Session: September 13, 2022 @1pm – 2pm

New Learning Series by Health in All Data Collective

Health Data Dialogues – Equity & Inclusion in Digital Health
4 one-hour virutal sessions through September 2022

Cost: Free

Who: Individuals working across the health sector, including designers, developers, health care management, clinicians, policymakers, and health tech innovators.

Objectives: To support leaders to steward ongoing reflection on equitable and ethical data use within and among their respective organizations and sectors.

Application Deadline: August 30th, 2022
Learn more and apply here:
(Application takes less than 10 minutes!)

Learning Series Team: A group of interdisciplinary researchers from Western University in Canada and funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council.

For additional information contact Dr. Lorie Donelle, PhD, Arthur Labatt Family Chair in Nursing Research at

Reimagining Power: New course offering for Leaders by CRHESI Member

Louise Pitre, Principal of Louise Pitre Coaching & Consulting is offering Reimagining Power: Gender, Leadership, and Change, an embodied learning journey for leaders who identify as women, transgender, or non-binary and want to explore the intersections of power, leadership, and systems change.

Dates: Wednesday, September 14th, 2022, every two weeks until November 23rd, 2022.

Course Description: In a peer setting, participants will explore relationships to power, the pressures to adopt dominant ways of leading, and how we can envision and embody radically healthier, more collective, and more transformative ideas of leadership power. Now more than ever, as more women, trans, and non-binary people step into leadership roles, there is a need for brave and compassionate spaces to do the inner work of leadership, build community, figure out how to do power differently, and move the needle on justice-doing work.
Reimaging Power: Gender, Leadership and Change is that space!

Previous participants, when asked how they would rate their experience with this learning journey rated it a 9 out of 10 and responded similarly to the question how likely they were to apply what they had learned in their work and personal lives. One participant expressed, “This was a powerful personal exploration of how women experience leadership and power that was centred on learning with and from female-identified folx. Skillful facilitation and deep reflection that gave me tools, understanding, confidence and a great opportunity to share and learn with other people asking similar questions.”

To register and for detailed information, click on the following link:
If you have questions or need some help discerning whether this is a good fit, you can also reach out to Louise Pitre at or Brook Thorndycraft at
Learn more about Brook at and Louise at

There are subsidies (limited) available. Please feel free to inquire!