CRHESI Student Collective on Mobilizing Knowledge for Health Equity

Welcome Aimable Nkurunziza, Berman Family Graduate Award recipient, Arthur Labatt Family School of Nursing, Western University

I am a fourth-year PhD student at Western University. My doctoral work explores the experiences of adolescent mothers accessing perinatal services in Rwanda to inform the delivery of trauma- and violence-informed care using an interpretive description. Aimable is actively involved in research with 17 peer-reviewed publications and nine grants. While at Western University, Aimable has received competitive awards, including Ontario Graduate Scholarship, Berman Family Graduate Award, and Irene E. Nordwich Foundation.
Aimable’s research aims to improve health outcomes for women, their children, and their families, which are relevant to national and international populations. The primary focus areas of interest are:
• Adolescents’ sexual and reproductive health.
• Maternal and child health services access and utilization.
• Gender-based violence and equity-oriented care.

Welcome Danica Facca, Eugenia Canas Memorial Award 2022 recipient, Health Information Science, Western University

I am a full-time PhD student, part-time Graduate Fellow, and casual Research Coordinator at Western University and St. Joseph’s Health Care London. To date, my body of published scholarship traverses understandings of digital health literacy across the lifespan with particular attention given to the sociocultural effects and consequences of digital health technology use from a critical lens. In continuing my work within the critical digital health sphere, my doctoral research focuses on exploring how menstruating persons engage with menstrual-tracking apps; how their practices influence their relationship to their bodies and conceptions of selfhood; how menstrual-tracking apps further play a role in the development of norms and assumptions surrounding menstruation and menstruating persons; and lastly, the health information needs and healthcare needs of menstruating persons. I have been fortunate to study at Western for many years under the brilliant instruction of Humanities and Health Science scholars which has made me into the interdisciplinary digital health researcher I am today. I have published on topics related to: digital surveillance within the health research context; digital health literacy; women’s use of digital technologies to support their transition to parenting; children’s use of digital technologies and information sharing practices across social media; as well as theoretical approaches to qualitative inquiry including critical understandings of ‘voice’ in research with young people. My research areas of interest include, but are not limited to: digital health; child/youth health; digital health technologies (i.e., smartphones, apps, wearables); critical digital health literacy; health equity; surveillance (technologies) in the health context; critical theory; digital methodologies; and qualitative inquiry, among others.

Research Storyteller Summit

The Faculty of Health Science Knowledge Mobilization Unit at Western invites you to a FREE Research Storyteller Summit
Wednesday, November 30 from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM

In-person, remote, or asynchronous access!

This is for you if you are:

  • preparing a funding proposal
  • writing a journal article for publication
  • discussing your study with a journalist
  • presenting at a conference
  • briefing policymakers


Welcome New Executive Committee Members

We are so pleased to announce and welcome new Executive Committee members

Dr. Dan Lizotte is Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science and the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at Western. His research aims to support health decision-making by developing and applying machine learning and statistical tools to new sources of data including electronic health records and social media to better support patients and health professionals, particularly in public health and primary health care. His methodological research combines machine learning, optimal sequential decision-making, and multiple objective optimization. Dr. Lizotte has been formally teaching AI methods to a diverse set of students for over ten years, and he teaches the Public Health Informatics course for in the Schulich Interfaculty Program in Public Health at Western. He is also a member of the Rotman Institute of Philosophy at Western, and he has a strong interest in intersectionality and other critical social theory and how they should inform the development and deployment of AI tools that support health equity. He is currently working with the Alliance for Healthier Communities to develop tools for research and decision support.

Dr. Shokoufeh Modanloo is a nurse scientist and Assistant Professor at the Western University, Arthur Labatt Family School of Nursing. Through her community-based participatory research, she co-creates knowledge with community members and partner organizations to address the professional mandate of health justice by bringing the voices of marginalized people forward to inform programs, practices, and policies in Public Health to advance healthcare delivery. Particularly, her research program is titled “Health Justice Research in Global Context” and builds capacity within the community and brings healthcare, legal and social services together to address migrant women’s and families’ needs in Maternal-Newborn Nursing care and create actions for current and future healthcare initiatives.

EQUIPping London’s Health and Social Services for Equity

This 4-part series explores substance use stigma and the ways that health and social service providers can improve care. The series includes:

  • Substance Use Stigma and Discrimination & the EQUIP Pathways Project
  • Finding Pathways to Substance Use Health:  The EQUIP Equity Action Kit
  • Equity in Action: London InterCommunity Health Centre
  • Equity in Action: More local EQUIP implementation

This link will take you to a page with a full list of the articles in the series.

2022 London Newcomer Day

This year’s event will be held on October 29, 2022 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the RBC Place London. Participants at this year’s event will hear from successful entrepreneurs, employment experts and a variety of London employers. Participants will also have the opportunity to take part in panel discussions on various topics and visit the Employer Exhibition.