Resilient Together: June 19, 2020 – World Refugee Day

On June 19, celebrate World Refugee Day with us! The London Cross Cultural Learner Centre’s annual Life As A Refugee community event will be held virtually this year. Through an online campaign, Resilient Together, will highlight the importance of building a more welcoming community.

In lieu of the usual live Life as a Refugee keynote address, special guest Dr. Trung Ngo will speak in recognition of World Refugee Day. The presentation will be posted on June 19that Contribute, share, and watch for these hashtags on social media to participate in the discussion: #WorldRefugeeDay #LifeAsARefugee2020 #AllAreWelcomeHere #ResilientTogether

Following Jeff Preston’s Advocacy Work on COVID-19 and Disability in Canada

Photo from, used by permission

On May 4, 2020, Jeff Preston (Assistant Professor of Disability Studies at King’s University College, Western University) provided testimony to the House of Common’s Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities (HUMA) committee regarding disability in the COVID-19 in Canada. On May 15, Jeff further discussed his statements on London Morning with Rebecca Zandbergen.

Be sure to read Jeff’s lead article in the CRHESI/Pillar Voices from the Margins of a Crisis series: Considering Complex Lives, Value and COVID-19

Is inclusion always a ‘good’ thing?

In this video (recorded November 21, 2019), Gail Teachman (Assistant Professor, School of Occupational Therapy, Western University) discusses her research that asks: Is inclusion always a ‘good’ thing?: Perspectives from youth with disabilities

Join Gail Teachman and an entourage of critical thinkers for Beyond Giving Voice, a series of webinars on the ethical challenges of childhood and vulnerable population research.