We are hiring a Program Evaluator / Research Coordinator

CRHESI is recruiting for a new Program Evaluator / Research Coordinator position. This role supports CRHESI’s involvement in multiple research projects while developing new research opportunities and supporting research and evaluation activities among community partner organizations. Full job description and details about how to apply are available at crhesi.uwo.ca/postings.

Please share with your networks. Thanks!

Understanding Residential Schools and Reconciliation

Join us on September 30, 2021 at 10 AM to observe National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. Cody Groat, Six Nations band member and Assistant Professor in Western’s Department of History and Indigenous Studies Program, will speak on the history of the Indian Residential Schools system. Professor Groat will tie the history of the schools into the Calls to Action of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada, and engage in a discussion moderated by Christy Bressette, Vice-Provost & Associate Vice-President of Indigenous Initiatives

» Registration Details

Understanding the Experiences of Low-Income Families During COVID-19

What have we learned from the high influx of new people accessing basic need supports from neighbourhood resource centres during COVID-19? Join us for a live virtual webinar on Thursday, September 23 at 10:30 AM.

In a recent collaboration, researchers sought to understand why Crouch Neighbourhood Resource Centre was seeing so many new people using their services. What were their stories? How specifically was the pandemic increasing poverty, or was something else happening? To understand more, participants completed surveys and in-depth interviews uncovering their background, needs, and experiences.

Join Jennifer Martino (Executive Director, Crouch Neighbourhood Resource Centre) and Dr. Abram Oudshoorn (Associate Professor, Arthur Labatt Family School of Nursing, Western University) to learn about the recent report and key findings from the study.

Webinar registration: https://westernuniversity.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIpduGvrDwiGNwpNo1sObG86WIoWMn6mjuU

Upcoming Application Deadline for new CRHESI Grant Streams

The application deadline for CRHESI’s two new funding streams is approaching on September 15, 2021. Learn more about the new funding opportunities:

Planning/Development Seed Grant: Support for emerging or established teams of academic and community partners in planning, developing and/or carrying out the initial stages of collaborative research.

Putting Knowledge Into Action – Pilot Grant: Closing the gap between knowledge and practice, by facilitating productive exchanges among community-based and academic partners.

Both grants are made possible through the generous support of the Arthur Labatt Family.

Last call for Londoners to apply to join new Anti-Black Racism Steering Committee with the Community Diversity & Inclusion Strategy

Do you know a community-oriented leader passionate about diversity and inclusion who may be interested in establishing actions to confront anti-Black racism with dedicated resources and funding?

Applications to join the new Anti-Black Racism Steering Committee with the Community Diversity and Inclusion Strategy (CDIS) will close on Monday, January 11, 2021. The City of London encourages interested Londoners to submit an application before the deadline.

These members will provide guidance and leadership by developing a work plan with strategies that will be put into action to address systemic anti-Black racism in London. Members will make key decisions around the community engagement plan and process, oversee community outreach, approve agendas and materials for meetings, review feedback from community engagement activities and make recommendations to the CDIS.

Learn more at https://getinvolved.london.ca/cdis