New report: Monitoring changes in health inequalities through time : A scan of international initiatives and a rapid review of scientific literature

Public Health Agency of Canada’s Health Equity Policy Division is pleased to share the public release of a new report: Monitoring changes in health inequalities through time: A scan of international initiatives and rapid review of scientific literature.

As the lead of Health Inequalities Reporting Initiative, Public Health Agency of Canada aims to begin tracking changes in health inequalities over time. Tracking changes in health inequalities over time can help inform programs and policies and assess if they are working fairly for everyone. It can also provide insights on where to focus health promotion interventions to support those most in need.

This rapid literature review helps fill in evidence gaps by identifying best practices for tracking health inequalities over time. In total, we reviewed 19 international initiatives and 14 Canadian studies that assessed health inequalities over time and identified over 20 promising practices. 

These included:

  • Clarifying the purpose of the analyses for public health practice, and establishing analytic objectives accordingly.
  • Providing a clear rationale for the selection of health and social indicators for monitoring.
  • Selecting data sources with sufficient follow-up time frames to feasibly observe meaningful changes in health inequalities over time.
  • Providing a systematic description of rates and inequalities, by group and time periods, respectively.
  • Tracking changes in absolute and relative inequalities.
  • Providing enough methodological detail to allow for replication.
  • Using various data visualization techniques to convey key findings.

Call for Members: Ontario Public Health Emergencies Science Advisory Committee (OPHESAC)

The Ontario Public Health Emergencies Science Advisory Committee (formerly the Ontario COVID-19 Science Advisory Table) is a group of independent, multi-disciplinary experts whose role is to enhance provincial capacity to respond to a spectrum of public health emergencies with the best available evidence. OPHESAC provides independent scientific advice to PHO, and where appropriate through PHO to Ministry of Health, to inform the management of public health emergencies, including COVID-19.

The Ontario Public Health Emergencies Science Advisory Committee (OPHESAC) is currently recruiting members with diverse expertise including health equity and social justice. Interested candidates should send their expression of interest, with a curriculum vitae and complete contact details to by Friday, September 30, 2022 at 11:59 p.m. ET.

Funding opportunity: Shifting Dynamics of Privilege and Marginalization

The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) and Genome Canada have partnered to offer a Knowledge Synthesis Grants (KSG) funding opportunity to foster a deeper understanding of the state of knowledge about the shifting dynamics of privilege and marginalization. A maximum of 30 grants of up to $30,000 each will be awarded.

KSGs stimulate knowledge mobilization by supporting the synthesis of existing knowledge on a topic to inform the development of effective policies, practices, tools and technologies required to support the path toward a prosperous and equitable future for all Canadians. KSGs may also assist in developing future research agendas.

Recipients of the KSGs on the shifting dynamics of privilege and marginalization will consider how the world’s power dynamics are being reshaped, at individual, community and societal levels, as a result of various factors, such as sociopolitical events; new technologies, including genomics; dis/mis/information; and the COVID-19 pandemic.

Researchers will share their findings with key stakeholders from across sectors at the Imagining Canada’s Future Forum, which will be held in late 2023 or early 2024.

The deadline for submission is December 15, 2022 (8:00 p.m. eastern).

For more information, contact:

New SSHRC-CMHC Joint Initiative: Research Partnership Grants to Assess Longitudinal Housing Outcomes

The Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC), in partnership with SSHRC, has launched the new Partnership Grants for National Housing Strategy Longitudinal Outcomes Research, to examine key issues affecting outcomes of investments in affordable housing. 

CMHC aims to support multi-disciplinary research teams of social sciences and humanities researchers, life scientists, engineers, and environmental scientists to work collaboratively. They will examine the long-term health, socio-economic, and climate change outcomes of investments in affordable housing, and the links between housing, health, socio-economic, and environmental factors at the household and community levels. 

CMHC wishes to invest up to $4.8M over five years to support two multidisciplinary and multisectoral research partnerships. SSHRC will administer the funding opportunity and will work with CIHR and NSERC to promote the funding opportunity to researchers in all fields.

For more information about this funding opportunity, including application instructions, please visit CMHC website.

Register for a webinar to answer questions for the Partnership Grants opportunity!
English Session: September 13, 2022 @1pm – 2pm

Motions related to femicide and hate crime

The London Police Board is requesting your input related to drafting of their correspondence to the Government of Canada and amending the following London Police Services Board (LPSB) Policies, which can be found on the LPSB page of the LPS website in their current format:

Hate Bias Motivated Crime Policy #10

Domestic Violence Occurrences Policy #27

The deadline to submit a response is July 31, 2022

For more information, click here